1. More fuel efficient, because the gasoline used in accordance with the needs of an ideal machine.
2. Acceleration is more responsive, optimal combustion engine takes place on all machines working conditions
3. Equipped fault code indicator (drawing machine in the dashboard) that will illuminate when there is damage to the EFI components, so thst damage is detected immediately.
4. Combustion cleaner, more powerful engines, more durable and lower exhaust gas enission, more precision as adapted to the needs of the machine is not affected by weather conditions, hot or cold temperatures, high efficiency, so that the machine is always able to work optimally at all times and more efficient fuel use.
1. Treatment is very specific, requiring specialized equipment and skilled machanic that seem more complicated.
2. Susceptible to water because of the many electrical components
3. Sensitive to electromagnetic wave interference due to the complexity of wiring.
[Belajar Technology, Cerdas Technology, Technology Comunitas Study,
Source of Inspiration Club, Klub Persahabtan Mahasiswa Antar Universitas,
Comunitas Study of Yogyakarta]