Digital electronic are electronic systems that use digital signal, digital signal usually described in the 0 to 1, so 0 mean that no one, or if ON means 1, but if Off means 0, many current electronic devices that use digital signals, such as: computers, mobile phones and so on.
are several advantages to using them as a digital in digital system, and digital
system has an easy interface and controlled by computer software, and storage
of information much easier than the waknesses of the analog. but as for digital
as follow:
In some cases require more energy and
more expensive, and fragile.
As part of the digital electronics,
logic gates logic gates are: a logic circuit consisting of the so-called logic
gates, logic gates perform logic operations on one or more inputs and produces
a single output. logic copertions uses the priciples of algabra Boelan, While various types of logic
if A = 1 and B = 0, then the output is 0, whice means 0 times 1 is equal 0.
if A =1 and B = 1, then the result will be 1, not 2, because there are only 2
binarynumbers (0 and 1).
opposite / notation
if A =1, then it's opposite is 0.
Digital Electronic is only knowledge, others will be discussed in the next
post,.. Hemmm Okay,.. ???